Ella Lupton Hall

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Ella Lupton Hall
Lupton Hall.jpg

The exterior of the dormitory

Built 1952[1]
Namesake Ella Allemong Lupton[1]
Mailing address 300 Roosevelt Drive
Lupton Hall room ###
Auburn, Alabama 36849
Floors 3 - females only
2 - males only
1 - males only
Rooms 47[1]

Ella Lupton Hall (shortened to Lupton Hall or simply Lupton) is a residence hall of the south Quad.

Ella Lupton Hall is the location of the restaurant Plains2Plate; prior to the 2014-2015 school year, Go Greek! was instead located at that location.

Amenities[edit | edit source]

Lupton features a moderately-well-stocked kitchen on the second floor, a study room on each of the second and third floors, and a public lobby.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]