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FLNG (an abbreviation for Foreign Lng-German, that is, Foreign Language-German) is a subject area taught at Auburn University.

FLGR courses of instruction[edit | edit source]

Designation Course title Hours Description[1]
FLGR 1000 Elementary German Abroad 1-10 IND. Pr., Departmental approval. Course work at the elementary level in an approved Study Abroad program. Credit may substitute for required 1000-level courses in German. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours.
FLGR 1010 Elementary German I 4 LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Fundamentals of German language skills stressed. Exposure to Germanic civilization. For students with no previous background or less than two years of high school German.
FLGR 1020 Elementary German II 4 LEC. 3. Pr. LGER score of 0241 or FLGR 1010. or acceptable score on the FL placement test. Review of basic German grammar and vocabulary. Fundamentals of German language skills with progressive emphasis on conversation. Fulfills the College of Liberal Arts foreign language core requirement.
FLGR 1030 Reading Proficiency in German 3 LEC. 6. Instruction to enable graduate students to read and understand scholarly material in German related to their field of student. requirements. May not be used to satisfy undergraduate language requirements. Fall.
FLGR 1100
FLGR 1103
Accelerated Elementary German 6 LEC. 6. Basic concepts of German grammar, vocabulary, and culture. Fulfills the College of Liberal Arts foreign language requirement.
FLGR 2000 Intermediate German Abroad 1-10 AAB/FLD. Pr., Departmental approval. Course work at the intermediate level taken in an approved Study Abroad program. Students should consult with the German undergraduate director for an estimation of credit prior to going abroad. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours.
FLGR 2010 Intermediate German I 4 LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. LGER score of 0325 or FLGR 1020. or acceptable score on FL placement test. Language skills stressed; structural review and composition; readings in German literature and German civilization.
FLGR 2020 Intermediate German II 4 LEC. 3. LAB. 2. Pr. LGER score of 0372 or FLGR 2010. or acceptable score on FL placement test. Continued review of German grammar and syntax, vocabulary building. Additional work in composition; readings in German literature and civilization.
FLGR 3000 Junior Advanced German Abroad 4 AAB/FLD. Pr., Departmental approval. Course work at the advanced level taken in an approved Study Abroad program. Students should consult with the German undergraduate director for an estimation of credit prior to going abroad. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours.
FLGR 3010 Beginning German Composition and Conversation 3 LEC. 3. Pr. LGER score of 0428 or FLGR 2020. or acceptable score on FL placement test. Developing skills in written and spoken German. German grammar and syntax, vocabulary building. German phonology. Fall.
FLGR 3020 INtermediate German Composition and Conversation 3 LEC. 3. Pr. LGER score of 0428 or FLGR 2020. or acceptable score on FL placement test. Further development of skills in written and spoken German; continued review of selected topics of grammar and syntax, and vocabulary acquisition. Spring.
FLGR 3030 Advanced German Composition and Conversation 3 LEC. 3. Pr. LGER score of 0428 or FLGR 2020. or acceptable score on FL placement test. Introduction of linguistic principles governing mechanics of spoken German; emphasizes English-German contrast and pronunciation difficulties; further development of conversation skills.
FLGR 3050 German Cinema 3-6 Sampling of important films from the 1920s to the present, including the intellectual, historical, cultural, and literary matrix of each film. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
FLGR 3100 Introduction to German Literature 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 2020 or Departmental approval. Basic literary genres and major figures in German literature from the 18th century to the present; literary methodologies and bibliographical tools. Required of all majors. Fall.
FLGR 3110 German Culture and Civilization I 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 2020 or Departmental approval. Social, political, and cultural history of Germany from the Germanic tribes to 1870. Fall.
FLGR 3120 German Culture and Civilization II 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 2020 or Departmental approval. Social, political and cultural history of Germany from 1870 to the present. Spring.
FLGR 3150 Topics in German Literature, Language, and Culture 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 2020 or LGER score of 0428 or Departmental approval. Critical study of specific literary, linguistic, and/or cultural topics related to Germany. Course may be repeated with change in topics.
FLGR 3200 Languages Across the Curriculum Seminar in German 1 LEC. 1. Pr. FLGR 2010 or Departmental approval. Language component with readings and in-class discussions to complement a lecture course in English and in a discipline other than German. Parallel enrollment is recommended. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.
FLGR 3930 Directed Studies in German 1-3 IND. Pr. LGER score of 0428 or Departmental approval. Directed study in area of special interest for the superior student in German. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 9 credit hours.
FLGR 4000 Senior Advanced German Abroad 1-10 AAB/FLD. Pr., Departmental approval. Course work at the senior/advanced level taken in an approved Study Abroad program. Students should consult with the German undergraduate director for an estimation of credit prior to going abroad. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 10 credit hours.
FLGR 4110 Masterpieces of German Literature I 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 3010 or Departmental approval. Selected readings by representative authors from the periods of German Classicism, Romanticism, and Realism Naturalism. Fall.
FLGR 4120 Masterpieces of German Literature II 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 3010 or Departmental approval. Selected readings by representative authors from the periods of the early 20th century, Weimar Republic, and Postwar Germany.
FLGR 4150 German Drama 3 LEC. 3. Pr. At least 3 courses in FLGR 3000-3999 and a minimum LGER score of 438 or Departmental approval.Consideration, analysis, and criticism of selected German theater works by representative authors. Fall.
FLGR 4160 Contemporary German Literature 3 LEC. 3. Pr. At least 3 courses in FLGR 3000-3999 and a minimum LGER score of 438 or Departmental approval. Consideration, analysis, and criticism of recent selected German literary works.
FLGR 4310 German for Business and Economics I 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 2020 or Departmental approval. Emphasis on speaking, listening, reading and writing skills in professional, commercial German. Familiarization with German and European business practices. Fall.
FLGR 4320 German for Business and Economics II 3 LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Refinement of language proficiency skills. Active preparation for Prufung Wirtschaftsdeutsch International, an examination recognized worldwide by business and industry. Spring.
FLGR 4330 German Business, Media, and Society 3 LEC. 3. Pr. FLGR 2020 or LGER score of 0428. German language for business German media and society.
FLGR 4510 German Literature Translation I 3 LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. From Goethe to Thomas Mann. Reading and analysis of significant literary works by major German writers from 1750 to 1945.
FLGR 4520 German Literature Translation II 3 LEC. 3. Pr., Departmental approval. Postwar German literature. Reading and analysis of significant literary works by major German writers from 1945 to the present.
FLGR 4910 Practicum in German 1-6 PRA. Pr., Departmental approval. Practical work experience related to major field. Number of credit hours and applicability toward major to be determined in consultation with the undergraduate director. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 6 credit hours.
FLGR 4950 Seminar in German Literature 3 SEM. 3. Pr. At least 3 credits in FLGR 3000-3999 or Departmental approval. Readings in German literature from selected periods or in selected genres.
FLGR 4980 Senior Capstone 1 IND. 1. SU. Assessment of language skills through written paper and oral exam. Fall, Spring.

References[edit | edit source]