Delay as they may, college students will eventually be faced with the task of doing laundry.
Facilities[edit | edit source]
Some residence halls feature their own laundry rooms (though these are typically quite small). Students in residence halls without laundry rooms, or whose laundry rooms are inadequate, may instead use larger public laundry rooms.
Washing machines and dryers typically cost $1.25 each to run. Quarter machines are available in the large laundry rooms; alternatively students can often use card scanners to charge their Tiger Club accounts (the standard Tiger Dining account may not be used).
Locations of facilities[edit | edit source]
Bold face indicates a large laundry facility. This list is incomplete.
Quad[edit | edit source]
Hill[edit | edit source]
Village[edit | edit source]
All Village residence halls contain their own laundry room.
South Donahue[edit | edit source]
Every residential room in South Donahue contains its own laundry machines.