Auburn University uses Sona Systems to manage its research administration.
Students enrolled in psychology courses may use Sona to participate in studies for required course credit or extra credit. They will log in with their Auburn username; however the password is different.
Sona studies[edit | edit source]
Most Sona studies follow one of two formats:
Standard (lab) Study[edit | edit source]
Lab studies require the student to make an appointment to meet with a worker, often in a room of Thach Hall, to perform various tasks. Lab studies are more varied than online studies and may include electronic monitoring of physiological responses such as eye movement tracking and heart rate monitoring.
Lab studies will grant the student an additional .5 hour lab bonus, to make up for time spent commuting to the study location.
Online Study[edit | edit source]
Students may sign up for online studies which take place through Qualtrics.
External links[edit | edit source]
- Sona Systems
- Auburn University Psychology Research Opportunities on Sona Systems website