Zone RX
Zone RX, also known as Resident Overflow 2[1], is a preferred parking zone located on the third and fourth (top) floor of the South Quad Parking Deck. An RX permit costs 120 dollars.
Spots on the third floor are in higher demand because the fourth floor is open to the sky and almost entirely unshaded. During peak hours, it can be impossible to find a vacant spot on the third floor.
Acquiring an RX permit[edit | edit source]
To acquire an RX permit, students who are residents of the Quad must enter into a lottery. They may be randomly selected to receive the preferred RX zone permit, or failing that they may receive a cheaper Zone RO permit instead.
Game day[edit | edit source]
In preparation for football game day, RX permit owners must move their cars out of Zone RX by 10 PM of the night before the game. If not, they are subject to towing. RX permit owners may leave their cars at the Alternate R Parking Lot for the duration of the game.